Melissa Foster Passionate Romance for Fiercely Loyal Hearts

Enticing Her Love Sneak Peek

Enticing Her Love by Melissa Foster

Special edition ebooks are available exclusively from Melissa’s bookstore.
Enticing Her Love print books are shipped with an autographed bookplate.
Ebooks ordered from Melissa’s bookstore will release early: August 16th, 2024.



SUTTON CLOSED HER eyes as the warm liquid slid down her throat, a feeling of complete and utter bliss overtaking her. This was what she wanted. What she craved. She’d take hazelnut coffee over a man any day. It was sweet and hot and never failed to satisfy. She heard footsteps approaching and opened her eyes, clutching her mug between both hands. Her chest tightened as she scrutinized the steps, just as she did every time she was alone in the break room. That was what working for survivalist Flynn Braden did to her. She had to mentally prepare to be in the same room with him as if she were going to war. The footsteps were fast and light, not the heavy, determined steps of her rival.

She breathed a sigh of relief when her research assistant and friend, Andi Pennington, walked into the room.

“Hey, boss,” Andi said cheerily. She tucked her long blond hair behind her ear and pushed her glasses to the bridge of her nose. “Do I look green to you?”

Sutton studied her for a moment. “No, why? Are you feeling sick?”

“No, just incredibly jealous. I wish I could fit in your suitcase and go to Ecuador with you.”

Sutton was a reporter for the Discovery Hour show on the World Exploration Network. She and her infuriating boss and their film crew were leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow to stay with an indigenous tribe in the Amazon rainforest.

“I wish you could come, too. I tried to get Flynn’s approval to add you to the trip, but he said it wasn’t in the budget.” Andi would have been a great buffer between her and Flynn.

“Thanks for trying.” Andi poured herself a cup of coffee. “The trip sounds amazing. I just reviewed the itinerary again. The shot list flows well, and Flynn knocked the write-up out of the park.” The write-up was a general outline of the topics they would cover in the show. “He incorporated a lot of the research we did, especially yours. I just passed him in the hall, and he said we did a fantastic job.”

“That’s great.” Sutton heard the sarcasm in her own voice. She’d give just about anything for an ounce of the kudos he gave everyone else.

“Oh no,” Andi said with a disappointed expression. “He hasn’t said anything to you, has he?”

“Not a word.”

Ugh. I swear that man has it out for you.” Andi lowered her voice. “But between you and me, I agree with Leni. I can never tell if he’s looking at you like he wants to kill you or…you know.” She waggled her brows.

Leni was one of Sutton’s younger sisters, a PR guru. Flynn’s brother Seth, a business mogul, was one of Leni’s clients. Leni swore Seth was as easygoing as Flynn was a pain in Sutton’s ass. She had been following the Flynn-Sutton drama since Sutton had started working there. Not that Sutton had shared the Seth-Leni connection with Flynn. Other than when he was barking orders, the man barely said two words to her.

“My money is on kill,” Sutton said. She’d been a fashion editor with big dreams, a double major in journalism and English, and no reporting experience when the founders of the parent company, LWW Enterprises, had given her a shot and promoted her to the reporter position with Discovery Hour. She’d busted her ass to prove herself worthy of the job. Nearly a year and a half later, she’d done just that. Except in the eyes of her boss, who she was sure had been trying to get her fired since day one.

As if his ears were burning, Flynn strode in, all rugged and broad shouldered, with shaggy scruff that said he had better things to do than shave and collar-length sandy hair. Sutton’s entire body tensed up. His black T-shirt stretched tight across his broad chest and muscular biceps as he raked a hand through his hair, his midnight-blue eyes locking on her. The air thickened with tension, sparking with electricity so sharp and hot, it felt combustible.

His gaze shifted briefly to Andi. “Andi,” he said not unkindly, then returned a tight jaw to Sutton, eyes boring into hers. “Steele.”

The bite in his words brought out a hiss of her own. “Braden.” She knew what to do with lust-driven heat, but this frustration-driven energy was sharper and hotter than anything she’d ever known.

“I’d better run,” Andi said. “I’m meeting my sister for drinks. Have a great time on the trip.” She hugged Sutton, whispering, “You might be right,” and hurried out of the room.

Flynn’s eyes remained trained on Sutton. “Having second thoughts about going on this trip?”

“Not in the least. I just hope you can scare off predators as easily as you scare off people.” She turned to leave as the VP of their division, Karen Malterson, walked in. The sharp brunette had a reputation for being cutthroat but fair, and Sutton had nothing but respect for her. Although Sutton rarely saw Karen, when she did, she’d noticed that Karen either seemed to be observing her or oblivious to her.

“I’ve been looking for you two,” Karen said. “I’d like to speak to you in my office.”

Sutton’s stomach pitched. Had Flynn finally succeeded in getting her fired?

In the time Sutton had worked there, she’d been called into Karen’s office only twice. Once was during the first week she’d worked there, when Karen had welcomed her to the division, and again a few months ago, when Karen had questioned her desire to go into the rainforest for their current assignment.

Flynn hiked a thumb over his shoulder. “I was just about to—”

“Whatever it is can wait,” Karen said firmly. “My office. Now.” She spun on her heel and walked out.

Flynn gritted out a curse, glowering at Sutton as if she’d caused the interruption to his schedule.

Jackass. She headed down the hall, leaving him to stew on his own, but his determined footfalls sounded behind her, and she felt his presence looming like a villain as they entered Karen’s office.

“Close the door,” Karen directed.

Flynn did as she’d asked. “Is something wrong?”

“Hopefully not for long. Take a seat.” She nodded to the chairs across from her desk and went to sit behind it.

Sutton lowered herself to a chair, feeling nauseous.

“I’ve noticed tension between you two, and I’m concerned it will affect the show.” Karen paused, as if waiting for a response.

Shitshitshit. There was no way Flynn would get canned over this, so Sutton lied to save her ass. “I’m not sure what you think you’ve seen, but things are fine between us, right, Flynn?”

He didn’t spare her a glance, his jaw ticking. “There’s no tension.”

“Then it sounds like I made the right decision,” Karen said. “I’ve changed your assignment. You’ll no longer be spending time with the tribe. The show is now focusing on the two of you surviving three nights—seventy-two hours—in the Amazon rainforest.”

“What?” Flynn snapped. “It took months to get the tribe’s approval. The show is set, focusing on the culture of the tribe and the conditions they live in, the challenges they face with the encroaching extractive industries, deforestation, poachers, and drug runners. You can’t just throw all that away for this.” This came out with so much venom, Sutton startled.

“It’s done,” Karen said with finality. “The leader has agreed to let you travel within their territory without a guide or a tribal member.”

Flynn’s eyes narrowed. “Do you have any idea how dangerous the rainforest is? How the hell am I supposed to keep the crew and her safe?” He dropped her like a curse. “None of them are trained for this. It’s a fucking death warrant.”

“I agree with Flynn,” Sutton said anxiously. “I’m not—”

Karen held her hand up. “Let me remind you how hard you both fought for this assignment. Sutton, when I met with you about the dangers of the rainforest and the possibility of you getting lost, hurt, or worse, you said you had done your research and knew the dangers, and you trusted Flynn to keep you safe. And, Flynn, when I addressed those concerns about Sutton and the crew, you insisted you had the expertise to ensure their safety. You promised to make sure the crew didn’t leave the camp without a tribal member and to stick by Sutton’s side every minute. I’m holding you to that. But I’m not unreasonable.”

Sutton exhaled loudly. “Oh, good. I thought you were seriously sending us in with only Flynn to keep us all safe.”

“I am serious,” she said. “I’m not unreasonable in thinking Flynn should be responsible for you and the crew, which is why the crew will not be joining you on this trip. There’s no need to risk more lives than absolutely necessary. Sutton, you’ll be reporting as usual, and, Flynn, you’ll be filming, and the camera will have a shotgun mic. I’m counting on you to keep her safe. But the ball is in your court. Are you two up for the job, or do you want to walk away from Discovery Hour?”

Sutton couldn’t breathe.

Flynn continued staring at Karen, the muscles in his jaw clenching. Sutton half expected smoke to come out of his ears. If he refused to do the assignment, she wouldn’t have to, and she might even get a new boss in the process. So she held her tongue.

He gave one curt nod and bit out, “Absolutely,” then turned those serious eyes on Sutton.

“Sutton?” Karen asked.

Hell no was on the tip of her tongue, but Flynn’s eyes held a challenge, and when she opened her mouth, “I’m in” came out.


To continue reading, please buy ENTICING HER LOVE

Enticing Her Love print books are shipped with an autographed bookplate.
Ebooks ordered from Melissa’s bookstore will release early: August 16th, 2024.