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Melissa Foster

Melissa Foster

Award Winning Author

Melissa Foster is the real deal. Every day, she is out here, in the trenches, sleeves rolled up, cheerful and energetic, as she engages, supports, and creates. She is out in front, navigating the unknown, clearing a path, and setting up sign posts to ensure that all members of the self-published and indie published community have a clear opportunity to walk that same path.She is not just opening doors, she is installing them.” 
— Ashley Barron, The Priyas

Over 10 Million Books Sold!

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Melissa Foster

The Alliance of Independent Authors — Community Builder5 star readers favorite award finalist 2014 correct oneBadge notable HAP 2014 copygold-shiny-REaders Favorite Petals, Hearts silver-shiny-READERS FAVORITE_ bronze-shiny-READERS FAVE 2014 the romance reviews top pick


Playing Mr. Perfect (The Bradens at Ridgeport)
Debuted as:
Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA/AU (#2 US/UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU/UK .
Amazon US #13 bestseller in Alpha Male Romance and Top 30 bestseller in various Amazon categories.
Nook and Kobo bestseller.
#32 GPlay bestseller.

Herzen in Versuchung (Die Steeles auf Silver Island), German Translation of Tempted by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #6 bestseller in Holiday Romance for Kindle and books, #11 bestseller in Kindle Romantic Comedy and #53 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

Sommerhitze in Bayside (Bayside Summers), German edition of Bayside Heat
Debuted as Amazon DE #13 bestseller in Holiday Romance for Kindle (#14 bestseller in books), #17 bestseller in Kindle Romantic Comedy and #124 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

The Mr. Right Checklist (Standalone Romantic Comedy)
Debuted as Amazon US Top 30 bestseller in various Amazon categories.

Der Geschmack von Whiskey (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights von der Redemption Ranch), German edition of A Taste of Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Western & Frontier Romance for books and Kindle, #4 bestseller in Romantic Comedy and #31 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

Talk Wicked to Me (The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside)
Talk Wicked to Me voted as Fan Club Favorite Book of 2024
Pre-release Amazon #1 bestseller in Top New Releases in Alpha Males Romance eBooks.
Debuted as:
Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#2 US/CA/UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US/CA/AU (#2 UK) .
Nook and Kobo bestseller.

Verführung in Bayside (Bayside Summers), German edition of Bayside Passions
Debuted as Amazon DE #12 bestseller in Holiday Romance for Kindle (#13 bestseller in books), #30 bestseller in Kindle Romantic Comedy and #155 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

Enticing Her Love (The Steeles at Silver Island)
Chosen as one of Barnes and Noble Press’s Top Indie Favorites: August and September
Debuted as:
Apple Books #1 bestseller in US/CA/AU (#6 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US/CA/AU (#4 UK) .
Amazon US #21 bestseller in Contemporary Women Fiction and #54 bestseller in Romantic Comedy.
Nook and Kobo bestseller.

Verliebt in Mr. Bad (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Falling for Mr. Bad
Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Rockstar Romance!

Pour l’amour d’un Whiskey (Les Whiskey : Les Dark Knights du Ranch Rédemption) French edition of For the Love of Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon FR #1 bestseller in Littérature sentimentale Western et conquête de l’Ouest, #2 bestseller in Action and Adventure Romance and #23 Amazon FR Kindle bestseller overall.

Libérer Sully (Les Whiskey : Les Dark Knights du Ranch Rédemption) French edition of Freeing Sully
Debuted as Amazon FR #1 bestseller in American Literature, #8 bestseller in Action and Adventure Romance and #44 Amazon FR Kindle bestseller overall.

Sommernächte in Bayside (Bayside Summers), German edition of Bayside Desires
Debuted as Amazon DE #9 bestseller in Holiday Romance for books and Kindle, #18 bestseller in Kindle Romantic Comedy and #113 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

Aime-moi si tu l’oses (Les Whiskey : Les Dark Knights du Ranch Rédemption) French edition of The Trouble with Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon FR #8 bestseller in Action and Adventure romance, #9 bestseller in Romantic Comedy for books and #44 Amazon FR Kindle bestseller overall.

A Taste of Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption Ranch)
A Taste of Whiskey hit #3 on Apple’s Top Ten bestselling books on ABC News.
Debuted as:
Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA/UK/AU (#2 US) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU.
Amazon US #1 bestseller in Small Town & Rural Fiction New Releases and Workplace Romance New Releases.
Nook and Kobo bestseller.

L’amour décidera (Les Braden de Weston), French edition of Hearts at Play
Debuted as Amazon FR #1 bestseller in Romantic Comedy for books, #1 bestseller in Kindle American Literature (#2 for books) and #23 Amazon FR Kindle bestseller overall.

Von der Liebe gefunden (Die Ryders), German edition of Swept into Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #59 Kindle bestseller, #3 bestseller in Kindle Contemporary Fiction and #7 bestseller in Romantic Comedy for books and Kindle.

Um Whiskeys willen (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights von der Redemption Ranch), German edition of For the Love of Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Western & Frontier Romance for books and Kindle, #2 bestseller in Women’s Contemporary Fiction and #15 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

Sullys Befreiung: Vorgeschichte zu »Um Whiskeys willen« (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights von der Redemption Ranch), German edition of Freeing Sully
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 Kindle bestseller in Short Stories, #5 bestseller in Romantic Action & Adventure and #58 Amazon DE bestseller overall.

Falling for Mr. Bad (A Bad Boys After Dark Crossover Novel) (The Bradens & Montgomerys: Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Chosen as one of Kobo’s Top Reads in Romance
Debuted as
Apple Books #1 bestseller in US/CA/UK/AU.
Amazon US #1 bestseller in Rockstar Romance New Releases and Top 15 bestseller in various Amazon categories.
Nook bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Kobo categories.
#60 on GooglePlay.

Sternenhimmel über Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Serenade
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Short Stores for books and Kindle, #10 bestseller in Kindle Romantic Comedy and #78 Amazon DE Kindle bestseller overall.

Un amour si puissant (Les Braden de Weston), French edition of Bursting with Love
Debuted as Amazon FR #1 bestseller in Holiday Romance for books and Kindle and #47 Amazon FR Kindle bestseller overall.

Geflüster in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Whispers
Debuted as Amazon DE #71 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Zussen in wit (De zussen Snow), Dutch edition of Sisters in White
Debuted as #8 Kobo NL bestseller in Adult Romance and reached #64 in Kobo NL Contemporary Romance.

Irmãos Wild: Logan (Bilionários Irresistíveis), Portuguese edition of Wild Billionaires After Dark: Logan
Debuted as Amazon BR #15 Kindle bestseller in Medical Romance

Von der Liebe gerettet (Die Ryders), German edition of Rescued by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #63 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

His Wicked Ways (The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside)
His Wicked Ways voted as Fan Club Favorite Book of 2023
Debuted as:
Apple Romance #1 bestseller in US/CA, #2 UK/AU, and Apple Books #2 bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU.
Kobo #1 bestseller in Fiction & Literature, Humorous, #2 bestseller in Contemporary Romance
Amazon #1 bestseller in Alpha Male, Alpha Male Romance, and Alpha Male Romance eBooks
Nook bestseller
#25 on GooglePlay
(Audiobook) Amazon #1 bestseller in Erotic romance.
Chosen as:
One of Barnes and Noble Press’s Top Indie Favorites: October and November, and as one of their Five Indie Favorites
One of Kobo’s hottest page turners

Un océan d’amour (Les Braden de Weston), French edition of Sea of Love
Debuted as Amazon FR #55 Kindle bestseller and #9 bestseller in Action et aventure romantique on Amazon FR.

Hot Mess Summer (Standalone Romantic Comedy)
Pre-release Amazon #1 bestseller in New Releases in Women’s Divorce Fiction, reached #95 bestseller in Kindle Top 100 and top 5 bestseller in various Amazon categories.

Zussen in bloei (De zussen Snow), Dutch edition of Sisters in Bloom
Debuted as #2 Kobo NL bestseller in Adult Romance and reached #37 in Kobo NL Contemporary Romance.

Zussen in liefde (De zussen Snow), Dutch edition of Sisters in Love
#1 Kobo NL bestseller in Adult Romance and reached #5 in Kobo NL Contemporary Romance.

Immer Ärger mit Whiskey (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights von der Redemption Ranch), German edition of The Trouble with Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon DE #57 Kindle bestseller and #10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Sehnsucht in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Lovers
Debuted as Amazon DE #92 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Notre amitié brûlante (Les Braden de Weston), French edition of Friendship on Fire
Debuted as Amazon FR #44 Kindle bestseller and #2 bestseller in Littérature américaine on Amazon FR.

À L’état brut (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Running on Diesel
Debuted as Amazon FR #12 Kindle bestseller and #3 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Wild Island Love (The Steeles at Silver Harbor)
Debuted as #2 on B&N Press’s Top Ten list, and as one of B&N Press’s Top Indie Favorites for August and September.
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA (#2 US/ #17 UK / #3 AU) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#4 UK). Top 5 bestseller in Kobo categories. Top 40 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Un amour interdit (Les Braden de Weston), French edition of Destined for Love
Debuted as Amazon FR #95 Kindle bestseller and top 40 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Eine unerwartete Liebe (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Rocked by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #54 Kindle bestseller and top 3 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Von der Liebe verführt (Die Ryders), German edition of Chased by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #59 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

À nos horizons (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of In for a Penny
Debuted as Amazon FR #45 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Au cœur de l’amour (Les Braden de Weston), French edition of Lovers at Heart, Reimagined
Debuted as Amazon FR #51 Kindle bestseller and top 30 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Herzklopfen in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Embrace
Debuted as Amazon DE #72 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Liebe ungebremst – ein Bradens-Kurzroman (Die Bradens), German edition of Daring Her Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #84 Kindle bestseller and top 20 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

For the Love of Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption Ranch)
For the Love of Whiskey hit Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA/AU (#2 US/UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU. Nook and Kobo bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #35 on GooglePlay.

Freeing Sully: Prequel to For the Love of Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption Ranch)
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA (#2 US/ #21 UK / #7 AU) and Apple Books #1 Fiction & Literature bestseller across US/CA (#8 UK / #4 AU). Amazon #1 bestseller in 45-Minute Romance Short Reads. Top 3 bestseller in Kobo categories. #27 bestseller on Nook.

Von der Liebe erobert (Die Ryders), German edition of Claimed by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #70 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Aime-moi dans mes ténèbres (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of The Gritty Truth
Debuted as Amazon FR #13 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Rocked by Love (A Braden – Bad Boys After Dark Crossover Novel) (The Bradens & Montgomerys: Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Rocked by Love hit Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in US/CA/UK (#2 AU) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU, Nook, Kobo and Amazon Saga Fiction bestseller. #40 on GooglePlay.

À L’état brut (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Running on Diesel
Debuted as Amazon DE #10 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Nächte in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Nights
Debuted as Amazon DE #29 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Und dann kam die Liebe (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Then Came Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #37 Kindle bestseller and top 20 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

The Wicked Truth (The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside)
The Wicked Truth hit Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller across US/CA/AU/UK. Nook bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon and Kobo categories. #43 on GooglePlay.

Amours rebelles (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Taming My Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon FR #4 Kindle bestseller and top 3 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Von der Liebe bestimmt (Die Ryders, Band 1), German edition of Seized by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #74 Kindle bestseller and top 20 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

In For A Penny – Süßes Glück (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of In for a Penny (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Debuted as Amazon DE bestseller in Short Stories, #7 in Kindle Contemporary Romance, and Amazon DE #20 Kindle bestseller.

Crazy, Wicked Love chosen as an Apple Books 2022 Top-Selling Romance!

Geheimnisse in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Secrets
Debuted as Amazon DE #24 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Maybe We WIll surpassed 100K copies sold

Always Her Love (The Steeles at Silver Island)
Always Her Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Chosen by B&N Press as one of the week’s Five Favorite Indie eBooks, and as one of their Top Indie Favorites overall.
Chosen by Kobo as one of the Best Romance Books of the Month in both the UK, and Australia.
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in US/CA (#5 UK / #3 AU) and #1 Apple Books Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU. Debuted as Amazon, Nook, Kobo bestseller.

It’s official! Melissa Foster has sold more than 10 million books!

Du bonheur à volonté (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Mad About Moon
Debuted as Amazron FR #8 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Liebe süß und sündig (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Sweet, Sexy Heart
Debuted as Amazon DE #23 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

The Gritty Truth – Kein Blick zurück (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of The Gritty Truth
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in New Adult Romance and Amazon DE #32 Kindle bestseller.

The Trouble with Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption Ranch)
The Trouble with Whiskey hit USA Today Bestseller List and voted Fan Club Favorite Book of 2022
Chosen by Kobo as one of the Best Books of the Month in both Australia and New Zealand
Chosen by B&N Press and Nook as one of their handpicked favorites for August and September.
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#2 in CA / #3 in US / #5 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/UK/CA/AU. Amazon, Kobo and Nook bestseller. #3 bestseller on B&N Press. #26 on GooglePlay.

En toi,un refuge (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Wicked Whiskey Love
Debuted as Amazon FR #8 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Hoffnung in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Sunsets
Debuted as Amazon DE #46 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Then Came Love – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Then Came Love hit USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as B&N Press’ #1 title, Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA/AU (#2 in US/UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/UK/CA/AU. Kobo bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #29 on GooglePlay.

Fou de désir (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Driving Whiskey Wild
Debuted as Amazon FR #3 Kindle bestseller and Amazon FR #2 bestseller in both contemporary romance and sentimental literature.

Maybe We Won’t (Silver Harbor)
Debuted as Amazon US #43 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Verrückt nach Liebe (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Hot for Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #25 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Crazy, Wicked Love (The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside)
Crazy, Wicked Love hit USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA/UK/AU (#2 in US) and Apple Romance #1 bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU. Nook and Kobo bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #19 on GoolgePlay.

Comme une étincelle (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Truly, Madly Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon FR #10 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon FR categories.

Taming My Whiskey – Im Herzen wild (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Taming My Whiskey
Taming My Whiskey – Im Herzen wild hit Bild Bestseller List
Debuted as Amazon DE #17 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Caught by Love (The Steeles at Silver Island)
Caught by Love hit USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in AU (#3 US/CA/UK) and Apple Books Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU. Kobo and Nook bestseller. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. #32 on GooglePlay.

Herzen in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Hearts
Debuted as Amazon DE #37 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Sous l’armure de ton cœur (Les Whiskey: Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor), French edition of Tru Blue
Debuted as Amazon FR #9 Kindle bestseller and Amazon FR #2 bestseller in contemporary romance.

Der Liebe auf der Spur (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Searching for Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #59 Kindle bestseller and top 25 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Mad About Moon – Verrückt nach dir (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Mad About Moon
Debuted as Amazon DE #23 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Maybe We Should (Silver Harbor)
Debuted as Amazon #65 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Von der Liebe berührt ((Die Remingtons), German edition of Touched by Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #40 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Träume in Seaside (Seaside Summers), German edition of Seaside Dreams
Debuted as Amazon DE #66 Kindle bestseller and top 20 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Running on Diesel (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Running on Diesel hit USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in UK/AU (#6 in US / #3 in CA) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across CA/UK/AU (#3 in US). Nook bestseller. Amazon #96 Kindle bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Kobo and Amazon categories.

Schenk mir dein Herz (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Wild, Crazy Hearts
Debuted as Amazon DE #13 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Chosen as Amazon’s Author of the Month August, 2021

Sweet, Sexy Heart – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Sweet, Sexy Heart hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#5 in US / #2 in CA / #3 in UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in CA/UK/AU (#2 in US). Nook and Kobo bestseller. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. #22 on GooglePlay.

Wicked Whiskey Love – Ganz und gar Liebe (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Wicked Whiskey Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #24 Kindle bestseller and Amazon DE #4 bestseller in Kindle Contemporary Romance.

The Wicked Aftermath (The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside)
The Wicked Aftermath hit USA Today Bestseller List and voted Fan Club Favorite Book of 2021
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in CA/AU (#3 US / #4 UK) and Apple Books Romance bestseller in US/CA/AU (#2 UK). Nook and Kobo bestseller. Top 30 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Liebe zwischen den Zeilen (Die Remingtons), German edition of Read, Write, Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #32 Kindle bestseller and Top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Maybe We Will (Silver Harbor)
Debuted as Amazon CA and AU #1 bestseller in Romantic Comedy.  Amazon US #1 bestseller in Kindle Contemporary Romance in May 2022 following the release of Maybe We Wont (Silver Harbor).

Wilde Herzen (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Wild, Crazy Hearts
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in western romance and Amazon DE #23 Kindle bestseller.

My True Love (The Steeles at Silver Island)
My True Love hit USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in US/CA (#2 UK / #3 AU) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK (#2 in AU). Nook bestseller. #2 bestseller in Kobo category. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Driving Whiskey Wild – Herz über Kopf (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Driving Whiskey Wild
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Military Romance and Amazon DE #25 Kindle bestseller.

Hot for Love – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Hot for Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in AU (#4 US / #3 CA / #7 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#2 UK). Kobo #2 romance bestseller, Top 5 bestseller in Amazon categories. #25 bestseller on Nook.

Herzen im Schnee (Die Remingtons), German edition of Slope of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #21 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Pfade der Liebe (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Trails of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #50 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

In for a Penny (A Whiskey Novella)
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in US/AU (#2 CA / #3 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#2 UK). Kobo and Nook bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Truly, Madly, Whiskey – Für immer und ganz (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Truly, Madly, Whiskey
Debuted as Amazon DE #15 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Weihnachten mit den Bradens (Die Bradens), German edition of A Very Braden Christmas
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Western Romance and Amazon DE #73 Kindle bestseller.

The Gritty Truth (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
The Gritty Truth hit USA Today Bestseller List and voted Fan Club Favorite Book of 2020
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in CA (US #6 / UK #5 / AU #10) and Apple Books Romance #1 bestseller across US/CA/UK (#2 AU). Nook bestseller. Top 10 bestseller on Kobo. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. #53 on GooglePlay.

Herzen in Flammen (Die Remingtons), German edition of Flames of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #27 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Tempted by Love (The Steeles at Silver Island)
Tempted by Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #4 bestseller in US/AU (#6 CA/UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US/CA/AU (#3 UK). Nook bestseller. Top 10 bestseller in Kobo categories. Top 25 bestseller in Amazon categories. #42 on GooglePlay.

Alles für die Liebe (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Anything for Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #87 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Searching for Love – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Searching for Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#3 US / #2 CA / #4 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/AU (#2 CA/UK). Top 5 bestseller in Kobo categories. #42 bestseller on Nook. Top 50 bestseller in Amazon categories

Tru Blue – Im Herzen stark (Die Whiskeys: Dark Knights aus Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Tru Blue
Debuted Amazon DE #50 Kindle bestseller and top 3 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside)
A Little Bit Wicked hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in CA/AU (#7 US / #6 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#3 UK). Top 3 bestseller in Kobo categories. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. #42 bestseller on Nook.

Im Dschungel der Liebe (Die Remingtons, Band 2), German edition of Stroke of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #61Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Von der Liebe umarmt (Die Bradens & Montgomerys, Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls), German edition of Embracing Her Heart
Debuted as Amazon DE #87 Kindle bestseller and top 15 in Amazon DE categories.

She Loves Me (Harmony Pointe)
Debuted as #1 bestseller in Amazon categories and Amazon #36 Kindle bestseller.

Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers)
Bayside Fantasies hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#9 US / #8 CA) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/AU (#2 CA / #3 UK). Top 30 bestseller in Amazon categories. #37 bestseller on Nook.

Spiel der Herzen (Die Remingtons), German edition of Game of Love
Debuted as a Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Kleinstadt & Landleben and Amazon DE #53 Kindle bestseller.

Making You Mine – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Making You Mine hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#4 US / #5 CA / #6 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/AU (#2 CA/UK). Nook and Kobo bestseller. Top 30 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Sieg für die Liebe (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Thrill of Love
Debuted as a Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Kleinstadt & Landleben and Amazon DE #49 Kindle bestseller.

This is Love (Harmony Pointe)
Debuted as a Amazon #1 bestseller in Romantic Comedy and Amazon #32 Kindle bestseller.

Endlich Liebe — ein Braden-Flirt (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor), German edition of Love at Last
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Western Romance and Amazon DE #87 Kindle bestseller.

Taming My Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Taming My Whiskey hit USA Today Bestseller List
Chosen as a Top Pick on The Romance Reviews
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#4 US / #2 CA / #3 UK) and Apple Books #1 romance across US/CA/UK/AU. Nook and Kobo bestseller. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Melodie der Liebe (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor, Band 5), German edition of Whisper of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Western Romance and Amazon DE #64 Kindle bestseller.

Bayside Romance (Bayside Summers)
Bayside Romance hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in US (#5 CA/UK / #3 AU) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US (#3 CA/UK, #2 AU). Amazon #1 bestseller in New Releases Romance & Anthologies. Top 4 bestseller in Kobo categories. #24 bestseller on Nook.

Happy End für die Liebe, eine Hochzeitsgeschichte (Die Bradens), German edition of Story of Love
Debuted as top 30 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Call Her Mine (Harmony Pointe)
Debuted as Amazon #1 bestseller in categories and Amazon #7 Kindle bestseller.

Melissa will be attending Apollycon 2020, 26th – 29th March, Washington, DC

Vereinte Herzen (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor, Band 4), German edition of Crushing on Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Western Romance and Amazon DE #51 Kindle bestseller.

Wild, Crazy Hearts – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Wild, Crazy Hearts hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple #1 bestseller in AU (#3 CA / #4 US/UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/UK/AU. Amazon #1 bestseller in Western Romances. #1 bestseller in Kobo category. #27 bestseller on Nook.

Im Herzen eins, neu erzählt (Die Bradens in Weston, CO), German edition of Lovers at Heart, Reimagined
Debuted in Top 40 on Amazon DE for Contemporary women’s literature.

Seaside Serenade – A Seaside Flirt
Chosen as a Top Pick on The Romance Reviews
Debuted as Apple Books #5 Romance bestseller in US/UK (#17 CA / #6 AU). Kobo #1 bestseller in categories. Amazon #2 bestseller in categories, #34 bestseller on Nook.

Liebe gegen den Strom (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor, Band 3), German edition of River of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #41 Kindle bestseller and top 5 in Amazon DE categories.

Mad About Moon (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Mad About Moon hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as a Apple Books #2 bestseller in CA/AU (#4 US) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/AU (#2 CA / #3 UK). Kobo and Nook bestseller. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories

Bayside Escape (Bayside Summers)
Bayside Escape hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#7 US/UK, #11 CA) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/AU (#2 CA/UK). Amazon, Nook, and Kobo bestseller.

Voller Einsatz für die Liebe (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor, Band 2), German edition of Surrender My Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #62 Kindle bestseller and top 15 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Trails of Love – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Trails of Love hit USA Today Bestseller List and #4 on IndieReader’s Best Seller List
Chosen as a Top Pick on The Romance Reviews
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in CA (#4 US / #11 UK / 3 AU) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US (#2 CA/AU #3 UK). #1 bestseller in Kobo category. Top 20 in Amazon categories. #39 bestseller on Nook.

A Very Braden Christmas (The Bradens Novella Collection)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK/AU and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in US (#3 CA / #4 UK / #7 AU). #1 bestseller in Amazon and Kobo categories. #27 bestseller on Nook.

Nachwuchs für die Liebe (Die Bradens in Weston, CO 8), German edition of Our New Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #69 Kindle bestseller and #1 bestseller in Amazon DE category.

Ein Fest für die Liebe, eine Hochzeitsgeschichte (Die Bradens in Weston, CO, Band 7), German edition of Promise My Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens in Weston, CO)
Debuted as Amazon DE #43 Kindle bestseller and #1 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Wicked Whiskey Love (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Wicked Whiskey Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Chosen as a Top Pick on The Romance Reviews
Chosen in Audio Loves Best AudioBooks of 2018
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in AU (#8 US / #3 CA / #14 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#4 UK). #1 bestseller in Kobo category. #17 bestseller on Nook. Amazon CA #65 Kindle bestseller and top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. Audible #52 Contemporary Romance Bestseller.

Geheilte Herzen (Die Bradens at Peaceful Harbor, Band 1), German edition of Surrender My Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #1 bestseller in Military Romance and #44 Kindle bestseller.

Finding My Girl / Loving Talia (Love Like Ours Companion Booklet) (Sugar Lake)
Debuted as Apple Books #2 Comics and Graphic Novels bestseller in AU (#3 US / #4 CA / #33 UK). #1 bestseller in Kobo category.

Lovers at Heart, Reimagined (The Bradens)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK/AU and Apple Books #3 Romance bestseller in US (#11 CA / #6 UK / #7 AU). Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. #42 bestseller on Nook.

Love Like Ours (Sugar Lake)
Debuted as Amazon #2 bestseller in categories and Amazon #24 Kindle bestseller.

Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers)
Bayside Heat hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK/AU and Apple Books #3 Romance bestseller across US/UK/AU (#6 CA). #1 bestseller in Amazon and Kobo categories. #63 bestseller on Nook.

Verspielte Herzen (Die Bradens in Weston, CO, Band 6), German edition of Hearts at Play
Debuted as Amazon DE #29 Kindle bestseller and Amazon DE #2 bestseller in categories.

Anything For Love – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Anything For Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in AU (#3 US / #6 CA / #10 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#5 UK). #1 bestseller in Amazon category. #32 bestseller on Nook.

Liebe voller Abenteuer (Die Bradens in Weston, CO, Band 5), German edition of Bursting with Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #37 Kindle bestseller and Amazon DE #4 bestseller in categories.

Embracing Her Heart – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)
Embracing Her Heart hit USA Today Bestseller List and #3 on IndieReader’s Best Seller List
Chosen as Top Pick on The Romance Reviews and Night Owl Romance
Debuted as Apple Books #5 bestseller in AU (#7 US / #10 CA / #16 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in UK (#3 US/AU, #4 CA). #1 bestseller in Amazon categories. #2 bestseller in Kobo category. #32 bestseller on Nook.

Love at Last: A Braden Flirt
Love at Last hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK/AU and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in US (#5 CA / #15 UK / #3 AU) in the exclusive early release.
Debuted as Amazon #2 bestseller in categories. #4 bestseller in Kobo category. #33 bestseller on Nook.

Bad Boys After Dark: Brett (Billionaires After Dark)
Bad Boys After Dark: Brett hit USA Today Bestseller List
Chosen in Bookbub’s 18 New Books ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Fans Will Love in 2018
Debuted as Apple Books #1 bestseller in AU (#3 US / #9 CA / #12 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in US (#3 CA / #4 UK). #1 bestseller in Kobo category. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #43 bestseller on Nook.

Driving Whiskey Wild (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Driving Whiskey Wild hit USA Today Bestseller List and voted Fan Club Favorite Book of 2018
Debuted as Apple Books #5 bestseller in AU (#15 US / #8 CA / #29 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller across CA/AU (#5 US / #10 UK). #2 bestseller in Amazon and Kobo categories. #11 bestseller on Nook.

Wogen der Liebe (Die Bradens in Weston, CO, Band 4), German edition of Sea of Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #25 Kindle bestseller and Amazon DE #3 bestseller in categories.

Bayside Passions (Bayside Summers)
Bayside Passions hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK/AU and Apple Books #3 Romance bestseller in US (#5 CA/AU, #7 UK). #1 bestseller in Kobo category. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #44 bestseller on Nook.

Freundschaft in Flammen (Die Bradens in Weston, CO, Band 3), German edition of Friendship on Fire
Debuted as Amazon DE #44 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Only For You (Sugar Lake)
Debuted as Amazon #34 Kindle bestseller and Amazon #2 bestseller in categories.

Thrill of Love (The Bradens)
Thrill of Love hit USA Today Bestseller List and Chosen as one of iBooks “Biggest Books of the Year”
Debuted as Apple Books #3 bestseller in US/CA (#6 UK / #4 AU) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US (#2 CA/UK, #3 AU). Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 15 bestseller in Kobo categories. #29 bestseller on Nook.

The Real Thing (Sugar Lake)
Chosen as one of Amazon’s Best Romance Books of the Month!
January 2021, Amazon Editors’ Pick, Best Romance Books of The Month
Debuted as Amazon #17 Kindle bestseller and Amazon #2 bestseller in categories.

Swept into Love (The Ryders)
Swept into Love hit USA Today Bestseller List, IndieReader’s Top 10 Best Seller List and on the top-selling self-published list on Shelf Awareness.
Debuted as Apple #2 bestseller in AU (#4 US / #6 CA / #14 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller across US/CA/AU (#4 UK). #11 bestseller in Kobo category. #33 bestseller on Nook. Top 50 bestseller in Amazon categories

Bad Boys After Dark: Carson (Billionaires After Dark)
Bad Boys After Dark: Carson hit USA Today Bestseller List and IndieReader’s Top 10 Best Seller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in US (#4 CA / #9 UK). Top 15 bestseller in Amazon categories. Kobo #13 Contemporary Romance bestseller. #42 bestseller on Nook. #76 on GooglePlay.

Melissa Foster announces sweet romance pen name, Addison Cole on USA Today Happily Ever After Blog

Bayside Desires (Bayside Summers)
Bayside Desires hit USA Today Bestseller List and IndieReader Bestselling Book List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/AU and Apple Books #5 Romance bestseller in UK (#6 US / #9 CA). Top 30 bestseller in Amazon categories. Kobo #16 Contemporary Romance bestseller. #44 bestseller on Nook.

Truly, Madly, Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Voted Fan Club Favorite Book of 2017
Debuted as Apple Books #3 bestseller in CA (#8 CA / #17 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller across US/CA (#7 UK). Kobo #10 Contemporary Romance bestseller, Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories, #18 on GooglePlay. #33 bestseller on Nook.

Story of Love (The Bradens Novella Collection)
Debuted as Amazon and Kobo #1 bestseller in Short Stories. Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Amazon #69 Kindle bestseller. #18 bestseller on Nook.

Whisper of Love (The Bradens)
Debuted as Apple Books #3 bestseller in US (#4 CA / #11 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in US (#4 CA / #3 UK). Kobo #23 Contemporary Romance bestseller. #28 bestseller on Nook.

Schwestern im Glück (Die Snow-Schwestern, Band 2), German edition of Sisters in Bloom
Debuted as Amazon DE #61 Kindle bestseller and top 10 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Rescued by Love (The Ryders)
Rescued by Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #4 bestseller in US (#6 CA / #11 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller across US/CA (#3 UK). Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. Kobo #14 in Contemporary Romance. #21 bestseller on Nook.

Bad Boys After Dark: Dylan (Billionaires After Dark)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #4 Romance bestseller in romance US (#5 CA / #7 UK). Top 40 bestseller in Kobo categories. #44 bestseller on Nook. Top 50 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Schwestern im Aufbruch (Die Snow-Schwestern, Band 1), German edition of Sisters in Love
Debuted as Amazon DE #49 Kindle bestseller and top 5 bestseller in Amazon DE categories.

Seaside Whispers (Seaside Summers)
Debuted as Apple Books #2 bestseller in CA (#7 US / #13 UK) and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in CA (#3 US / #5 UK). Top 20 bestseller on Amazon Romance. #23 bestseller on Nook. Top 60 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Tru Blue (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor)
Tru Blue hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller on US/CA/UK and Apple Books #3 Romance bestseller in US (#6 CA / #8 UK). Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. #23 bestseller on Nook. Top 40 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Tempting Tristan (A standalone M/M romance)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Amazon and Kobo #1 bestseller in categories.

Crushing on Love (The Bradens)
Crushing on Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #5 bestseller in US (#6 CA / #9 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US (#2 CA / #3 UK). Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. Kobo #17 Contemporary Romance bestseller. #42 bestseller on Nook. Top 100 bestseller on GooglePlay.

Chased by Love (The Ryders)
Chased by Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #4 bestseller in CA (#7 US / #21 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US (#2 CA / #7 UK). Top 3 bestseller in Amazon categories. #45 bestseller on Nook. Top 60 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Seaside Lovers (Seaside Summers)
Seaside Lovers hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #3 Romance bestseller in CA (#5 US / #8 UK). Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories, #11 bestseller on Nook  Top 40 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Bad Boys After Dark: Mick (Billionaires After Dark)
Bad Boys After Dark: Mick hit USA Today Bestseller List
Silver medal Readers’ Favorite award for Romance Sizzle
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #4 Romance bestseller in CA (#5 US/UK). Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories, #28 bestseller on Nook. Top 50 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Touched by Love (The Remingtons)
Touched by Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Silver medal Readers’ Favorite award for Realistic Fiction
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in US (#4 CA / #5 UK). Top 30 bestseller in Amazon categories. #13 bestseller on Nook. Top 100 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Read the story behind Janie and Boyd’s romance on USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog!

River of Love (The Bradens)
River of Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books #3 bestseller in CA (#6 US / #8 UK) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in CA (#4 US / #3 UK). Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #10 bestseller on Nook. Top 30 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Claimed by Love (The Ryders)
Claimed by Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #2 Romance bestseller in US (#3 CA / #19 UK). Top 15 bestseller in Amazon categories. #27 bestseller on Nook. Top 60 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Seaside Embrace (Seaside Summers)
Seaside Embrace hit USA Today Bestseller List
Gold medal Readers’ Favorite award for Romance Sizzle
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #5 Romance bestseller in CA (#10 US / #17 UK). Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #12 bestseller on Nook. Top 100 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Surrender My Love (The Bradens)
Surrender My Love hit USA Today Bestseller List.
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 40 bestseller in Kobo categories. #66 bestseller on Nook.

Wild Boys After Dark: Cooper (Billionaires After Dark)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/AU. Top 25 bestseller in Amazon categories. #86 bestseller on Nook.

Wild Boys After Dark: Jackson (Billionaires After Dark)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Top 25 bestseller in Amazon categories. #66 bestseller on Nook.

Wild Boys After Dark: Heath (Billionaires After Dark)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 20 bestseller in Kobo categories. #84 bestseller on Nook.

Wild Boys After Dark: Logan (Billionaires After Dark)
Debuted as Apple Books #3 bestseller in CA (#32 US) and Apple Books #1 Romance bestseller in CA (#7 US). Top 3 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 4 bestseller in Kobo categories. #15 bestseller on Nook.

Seized by Love (The Ryders)
Seized by Love hit USA Today Bestseller list
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK and Apple Books #3 Romance bestseller in US. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. #67 bestseller on Nook.

Catching Cassidy (Harborside Nights)
Silver medal winner in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite award for Realistic Fiction.
Debuts as top 20 bestseller in Amazon categories.

Seaside Nights (Seaside Summers)
Seaside Nights hit USA Today Bestseller list.
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 100 bestseller on Nook.

Promise My Love (The Bradens Novella collection)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Amazon #1 bestseller in Short Stories. Top 10 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Discovering Delilah (Harborside Nights)
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. #1 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 30 bestseller in Kobo categories.

Healed by Love (The Bradens)
Healed by Love hit USA Today Bestseller List
Debuted as Apple Books bestseller in US/CA/UK. Top 10 bestseller in Amazon categories. Top 30 bestseller in Kobo categories. #50 bestseller on Nook.LOVE, LAUGHTER, & STEAMY EVER AFTERS boxed set
May 2015, hits New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Lists two weeks in a row

Beck Valley Books Reviewers Favorite Series of 2014

Beck Valley Books Reviewers Favorite Mini Series from the Love in Bloom Series 2014

SEASIDE SECRETS (Seaside Summers)
2015 USA Today Bestseller

2015 USA Today Bestseller
January 2015, Amazon Editors’ Pick, Best Romance Books of The Month

2014 USA Today Bestseller

SEASIDE SUNSETS (Seaside Summers)
December 2014, Amazon Editors’ Pick, Best Romance Books of The Month

2014 USA Today Bestseller
November 2014, Amazon Editors’ Pick, Best Romance Books of The Month
IndieReaders’ List That Counts

TAKEN BY LOVE (The Bradens)
USA Today Bestseller

SLOPE OF LOVE (The Remingtons)
2014 USA Today Bestseller

SEASIDE HEARTS (Seaside Summers)
USA Today Bestseller 2014

New York Times & USA Today Bestseller 2014

SLOPE OF LOVE (The Remingtons)
USA Today Bestseller 2014

WINNER, GOLD MEDAL, Readers’ Favorite Awards, REALISTIC FICTION. FINALIST  2 categories (Fiction Drama, Fiction Suspense)

HEARTS AT PLAY (The Bradens)
WINNER, GOLD MEDAL, Readers’ Favorite Awards, Romance Sizzle
Notable Book 2014, Shelf Unbound

WINNER SILVER MEDAL, Readers’ Favorite Awards, Romance Sizzle

WINNER, BRONZE MEDAL, Readers’ Favorite Awards, Romance Sizzle

WINNER, SILVER MEDAL, Readers’ Favorite Awards, Romance Contemporary

HAVE NO SHAME, moves on to the second round of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award in the category of General Fiction.

Kindle Bestseller (Amazon US & UK)
WINNER GOLD AWARD, Dan Poynter Global Ebook Award, Thriller
WINNER BRONZE AWARD, Dan Poynter Global Ebook Award, Suspense

WINNER, Readers Favorite Award, FICTION/DRAMA
WINNER, 2011 Beach Book Festival Award, SPIRITUALITY
Finalist, 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, NEW AGE
Finalist, Readers Favorite Award, WOMEN’S FICTION
Honorable Mention, New England Book Festival, SPIRITUALITY

WINNER, Dan Poynter’s Global eBook Awards, PARANORMAL
WINNER, Readers Favorite Award, PARANORMAL
Finalist (2x), Readers Favorite Award, MYSTERY, WOMEN’S FICTION
Amazon Top 100 60+Days running, Indie Reader’s Bestselling List That Counts
Top Books of 2011, The Write Agenda
Top Books of 2011, Pixel of Ink
Finalist, Ebook Festival of Words Awards, 2012, Best Novel

Finalist, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, 2012
Finalist, Readers Favorite Awards, 2012
Finalist, Kindle Book Review Best of Indie Book Awards, 2012 (Winner TBD Oct. 2012)
Top 5 Must Read Books of 2011, IndieReader
Top Ten Books of 2011, Tea Time With Marce
IndieReader Best Reviewed Books of 2011, Huffington Post
Perez Hilton’s Recommended List, 2011

MELISSA FOSTER, nominated for Shorty Award (Author) 2011

Versatile Blogger Award, One Lovely Blog Award,


Member: League of Extraordinary Authors.


PLEASE REFER TO MELISSA’S ARTICLES PAGE for more articles and mentions

Enticing Her Love chosen as one of Barnes and Noble Press’s Top Indie Favorites: August and September

A Taste of Whiskey reaches 3 in Apple Books Top 10 US Bestselling List on ABC News

His Wicked Ways chosen as one of Kobo’s hottest page turners

His Wicked Ways listed in Top Indie Favorites: October & November feature by Barnes and Noble and as one of Five Favorite Indie Favorites

Wild Island Love listed in Top Indie Favorites: August & September feature by Barnes and Noble

Wild Island Love reaches 10 in Apple Books Top 10 US Bestselling List on ABC News

For the Love of Whiskey chosen as one of Nook’s Five Favorite Indie eBooks feature for the week.For the Love of Whiskey reaches 7 in Apple Books Top 10 US Bestselling List on ABC News

Rocked by Love reaches 8 in Apple Books Top 10 US Bestselling List

Rocked by Love chosen by Barnes and Noble Press as one of the week’s Five Favorite Indie ebooks

The Wicked Truth author/reader match feature on Fresh Fiction

Crazy, Wicked Love chosen as an Apple Books 2022 Top-Selling Romance!

Always Her Love chosen by B&N Press as one of the week’s Five Favorite Indie eBooks, and chosen by Kobo as one of the Best Romance Books of the Month in both the UK, and Australia.

The Trouble with Whiskey chosen by Kobo as one of the Best Books of the Month in both Australia and New Zealand, chosen by B&N Press and Nook as one of their handpicked favorites for August and September.Melissa chats with Meg at Under the Covers Podcast

Crazy, Wicked Love listed in Top Indie Favorites: April & May feature by Barnes and Noble

Maybe We Won’t reviewed on Publishers Weekly

True Story Book Blog include Archer’s full Valentine’s Day note to Indi in their Love Notes of 2022 feature

Maybe We Should reviewed on Publishers Weekly

Chosen as Amazon’s Author of the Month August, 2021

My True Love listed in the top 10 books on the Apple Store in ABC News

My True Love chosen as one of the Week’s Five Favorite Indie eBooks by Barnes & Noble Press

Maybe We Will reviewed on Publishers Weekly

The Gritty Truth chosen as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Tempted by Love chosen as one of Barnes and Noble’s 25 Must Read eBooks for Fall 2020 and one of their weekly Five Favorite ebooks

Tempted by Love chosen as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Melissa talks to Amazon Live about She Loves Me and Tempted by Love.

A Little Bit Wicked chosen as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Melissa shares her tip for upcoming authors on How to Self-Publish on Bookbub Parners blog

Melissa talks about Making You Mine over on Walmart’s blog

Bibliolater interviews Melissa Foster

Frolic interviews Melissa Foster – Why I write Strong, Loyal, and Loving Alpha Heroes

Author spotlight interview for Bayside Romance with Harlequin Junkie

Podcast review of CALL HER MINE from No Smut Shaming

Talking all things CALL HER MINE with Reading Between the Wines Book Club!

The Bradens at Weston Boxed Set chosen by ManyBooks readers as Best Romance for May.

Five titles featured in PopSugar.Love’s 100+ Swoon-worthy Romance Books to Add to Your Reading List

Bayside Escape chosen as a Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Bullet Whiskey (in Driving Whiskey Wild) named as one of PopSugar.Love’s 13 reluctant heroes who are no match for love!

Author Spotlight interview on Hidden Gems Books

Wicked Whiskey Love chosen in PopSugar.Love’s sexiest books our November 2018.

Wicked Whiskey Love listed as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Wicked Whiskey Love reviewed on Publishers Weekly

Interviewed on Under the Covers Book Blog about Wicked Whiskey Love

Melissa on the reimagining of a romance (‘Lovers at Heart’ in particular) on USA Today Happily Ever After Blog

USA Today Happily Ever After Blog asks Melissa, What is your favorite scary TV show or movie?

Bayside Heat made the list for PopSugar.Love’s Sexiest Books Out in August!

Embracing Her Heart reviewed on Booklife by Publishers Weekly

Melissa shares 6 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Presence  on Barnes and Noble Press

Driving Whiskey Wild reviewed on Publishers Weekly

Interviewed by Viviana Enchantress of Books for Audio Book Lovin 2018

Anything For Love named in Bookbub’s 18 New Books to Read This Summer If You Love Nora Roberts feature

Surrender My Love is featured on USA Today Happily Ever After Blog

Bad Boys After Dark: Brett chosen in Bookbub’s 18 New Books ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Fans Will Love in 2018

Driving Whiskey Wild chosen in PopSugar.Love’s 13 Sinfully Sexy Novels For Your Ereader This Valentine’s Day

Awarded Beck Valley Books Reviewers Choice Awards 2017

Only For You listed as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Slope of Love chosen in Romance Rehab’s The best female athletes in sports romance today

Thrill of Love chosen in PopSugar.Love’s 15 Steamy New Reads to Add to Your Kindle This Month

Swept into Love hits IndieReader’s Top 10 Best Seller List and the top-selling self-published list on Shelf Awareness.

Bad Boys After Dark: Carson hits IndieReader’s Top 10 Best Seller List

Truly, Madly, Whiskey listed as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

Melissa Foster announces sweet romance pen name,  Addison Cole on USA Today Happily Ever After Blog

Bayside Desires hits the Bestselling Book List on IndieReader

Awarded Beck Valley Books Reviewers Choice Awards 2016

TRU BLUE listed as Harlequin Junkie’s Top Pick

TRU BLUE featured on USA Today’s Happily Ever After Blog

TRU BLUE featured on BookBub’s Heroes and Heartbreakers blog

Melissa Foster talks about love & family loyalty in romances on USA Today Happily Ever After Blog

TOUCHED BY LOVE (The Remingtons) featured on USA Today Happily Ever After blog

Melissa Foster talks about her Valentine’s Day fantasies on USA Today Happily Ever After Blog

DARING HER LOVE (The Bradens) featured on USA Today Happily Ever After blog

FLAMES OF LOVE (The Remingtons) featured on USA Today Happily Ever After blog

Melissa Foster talks family, inspiration, and taking a dare with IndieReader

Melissa Foster announces IndieReader’s Discovery Awards at BEA, May 2015

Gay, Straight, or Lesbian – Is it really a choice? Read about the advice Melissa faced when writing Harborside Nights.

Writing Big-Family Romances on Amazon Kindle Post

Guerilla Marketing for Books on CNN Money

Melissa Foster on USA Today’s Happily Ever After Holiday Post

Agent Assisted Self-Publishing on The Alliance for Independent Authors

Melissa Foster noted as BRAVE

Porter Anderson mentions Melissa Foster, Writing On The Ether

Jane Friedman’s Blog, Guest Post: Agent-assisted self-publishing and the Amazon White Glove Program

Are Indie Authors Devaluing The Written Word? Alliance For Independent Authors

Melissa chats with literary agent and author, Andrea Hurst, Authornomics Blog, also on Publisher’s Marketplace

Klout, Kred, and Social Media Scoring, The Priyas

MELISSA FOSTER featured on IndieReader


MELISSA FOSTER mentioned in an unsolicited blog post by Author Annamaria Bazzi

MELISSA FOSTER mentioned, Where The Gray Matter Pours Out

MEGAN’S WAY featured in Front Row Lit Magazine.

COME BACK TO ME, mentioned in Westchester Magazine by bestselling novelist, Darcie Chan

Mentioned: See Jane Publish

COME BACK TO ME reviewed in Hagerstown Magazine

Melissa Foster quoted in Hope Tour article.

Article referenced on Jane Friedman’s blog,

Why Indie Authors Aren’t Taken Seriously, article by Melissa Foster, Huffington Post.

Jane Friedman, quotes from Melissa’s article, Are eBooks Too Cheap, Indie Authors Debate the 99 Cent Price

CHASING AMANDA, Honest Indie Reviews

COME BACK TO ME, review, Rachelle Ayala

Celebrating WLC with author Stacy Eaton

Top Books of 2011, The Write Agenda, Chasing Amanda #2

Top 10 Books of 2011,  Pixel of Ink, Chasing Amanda

Tea Time With Marce, Top Ten Books of 2011

Author’s Den, Review of Come Back to Me, by Leslie Garcia

PlostForge, Nice People, They Are Out There, by John Brewer

Huffington Post, Are eBooks Too Cheap, Indie Authors Debate The 99 Cent Price, by Melissa Foster

USA Today’s book blog, Happily Ever After, features COME BACK TO ME

Review of Come Back to Me by, “Come Back to Me is perceptive and penetrating look at the intricacies of love, respect and relationships. Foster’s characters are solid; her writing style engaging and her story moving.”

Review of Chasing Amanda by IndieReader.comFoster captures the terror and fear of an abducted child as well as the passion and resolve of the woman who is driven to rescue her before it’s too late in this riveting, polished page-turner.” 

One Read At A Time Magazine, Author Feature

Working Mom Daily

Priya Blog

Working Mums, by Sally Dennehy

Herald-Mail, by Chris Copley

She Writes, by Bonnie Trachtenberg

Ebook Friendly, Bestselling Indie List

CHASING AMANDA and COME BACK TO ME, and AMAZON bestsellers (60+ days running) Indie Readers Bestseller List (7 weeks running)

CHASING AMANDA in Huffington Post

Clearing Your Chaos, Calgary’s Chld Magazine Nov/Dec 2011


Yahoo Associated Content, Chasing Amanda

Barnstable Patriot, features Megan’s Way

Hagerstown Magazine, features Chasing Amanda

Mommy Guilt, by Melissa Foster, September/October issue, Calgary’s Child Magazine (in print and online)

Gazette Newspaper, Aspiring Authors article, by Peggy McEwan

Lunch Network, Review of Megan’s Way, by Sheila Deeth

Bella Online Women’s Lit Site, Review, Chasing Amanda

Minds Eye Magazine Review of Megan’s Way

Mensa Bulletin, Review, Megan’s Way, Nov/Dec 2009

Bella Online Women’s Lit Site, Review, Megan’s Way

The Infinite Field Magazine, September 2009, pp. 30-31

The Maryland Gazette, September 9, 2009

Monocacy Monacle, September 11, 2009, pp3 & 21


Melissa Foster joins EverAfter Romance

An Unforgettable Drama About Courage and Love, COME BACK TO ME

Self-Published Novel Gains Powerful Following: Soon to Be Motion Picture (attached, below)

Author Melissa Foster’s books, Chasing Amanda and Megan’s Way Nominated for Dan Poynter’s Global eBook Awards

Author Melissa Foster Kicks Off Blog Tour For New Release

Debut Novel, Megan’s Way, Moves Readers to Tears

New Author, Melissa Foster, Take Blog World By Storm

Melissa Foster, Author of Megan’s Way, Brings Unique View To Right-To-Die Issue on The Authors Show

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and women’s fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa’s emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented–perfect beach reads for contemporary romance and new adult romance lovers who enjoy reading about loyal, wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines with complex relatable issues.

Melissa also writes sweet romance under the pen name,  Addison Cole.

Melissa enjoys chatting with readers and book clubs. Send her an email invitation to your next event!