Thursday, August 18, 2011
Melissa Foster's Random Question Interview
1. Where can we find you?
My Website:
Facebook Profile:
Facebook Fan Page:
The Women’s Nest:
2. What is the link for the best review you have had?
Take your pick from these:
Take your pick from these:
3. Why did you choose Solstice?
Melissa believed in my work from the moment she read it. She is easy to deal with and has a close relationship with her authors.
4. What’s your favorite cover you have seen recently? (feel free to add a picture but please try to keep it pg 13 lol!)
The cover of Memoirs of An Ex Nun, by Patricia Gibson
5. What catches your attention with other books?
I’m a cover girl. The photo sets the hook, but the summary has to reel me in.
6. Do you treat a book as a book, for the story inside, or do you judge a book by the author and or the way it’s published?
I never pay attention to who the author is until the book has been read, and I couldn’t care less about how someone publishes their work. Writing a book is an enormous accomplishment. For some, giving up the control to a large publisher is simply too much to ask. For others, waiting a year for publication suits them well. I care about the writing, not who made the writing available.
7. Ebooks VS Books (Feel free to explain)
I love the look, feel, weight, and even the smell of a paper book. Ebooks have their place. They’re far more economically viable, they offer larger print and a lighter book for some of the heftier books, like Stephen King’s typical books. I prefer to read paper books, but I’m thankful for Ebooks as well.
8. If you can have anyone read your book and give you feedback who would it be and why?
I’d be crazy not to say Oprah, for the sheer marketing value of her review, but on a personal note, I’d love for Maria Shriver or Virginia Madsen to read Megan’s Way. It’s an important story that can offer hope to many.
9. What is it that addicted you to your genre?
I write in several genres, although they call can be under the Women’s Fiction umbrella. I write about worst fears and real life situations. Life can be seen from so many different angles, and a single situation can be interpreted in many different ways. That is why I’m addicted to writing about real life.
10 Your favorite author.
AA Milne.
11. Favorite color.
Easy, lavender.
12. Something your bio’s won’t tell us.
I am addicted to brownies with mint chocolate chip ice cream, whipped cream from a can, and chocolate jimmies. No nuts, no cherry.
13. Advice to others?
Read often, edit more than you think you have to, and never give up.
14. If you have a day job how do you balance everything.
My day job is writing. I also founded and run The Women’s Nest and I’m soon going to be launching the Women’s Literary Café, a venue to bridge the gap between authors, readers, reviewers, bloggers, and editors. We’ll be offering free promotions to all the writing related services.
15. What does your writing schedule look like.
It looks beautiful! I write from 9am until 2pm Monday through Friday, from September through June.
16. Do you find that writing keep you sane?
Writing keeps me sane, happy, and allows me to be a much better mom to my children.
17. If you could bring one of your characters to life, would you, and why?
That’s a really difficult question. I would probably bring Amanda to life. I don’t want to supply any spoilers, but you’ll understand why after reading CHASING AMANDA.
18. If you had a magical power what would if be?
Definitely the power to heal.
19. Do you believe in magic?
20. If we were to play rock paper scissors what would your first choice be?
21. If you could control one of the elements what would it be?
Fire. I’d make the forest fires stop.
22. What annoys you in books?
Unrealistic characters.
23. Have you ever came across a book you don’t know why a publisher published?
Absolutely, but that’s just my opinion.
23. Are you a grammar nazi, or do you find yourself more intertwined with the story to deal with the editing part.
I adore my editor. I’m not a grammar Nazi and I find most people who say they are, are lacking in that area. I also wish the term “Nazi” would be replaced with something else.
24. Do you believe in self publishing?
Absolutely. I think we’ll see many more authors self-publishing as the world of publishing changes and ebooks take the number one sales spot.
25. Make up a question and have at it 🙂
If you could have anything in life that relates to your books, what would it be?
I would have better access to readers and bookstores.
26. Tell us a joke.
I only know dirty ones.
27. What is the weirdest thing you have come across in your writing career?
People who are nasty for the sake of being nasty.
28. Randomly tell us what you thought as you were reading these questions.
I wish my kids would stop joking around and laughing in the background so I could concentrate.
29. Are you a believer in Karma.
It’s my middle name.
30. Give a shout out to another writer, you can include their links work etc.
If you haven’t read MJ Rose, she’s a tremendous author and an amazing and gracious woman.