Melissa Foster Passionate Romance for Fiercely Loyal Hearts

These days,  I don't have much time to read. Between rewrites, my upcoming book release, and the launch of WoMen's Literary Cafe, I don't have much down time, and I try to spend what little down time I have with my family. Reading usually gets squeezed in somewhere between midnight and one o'clock in the morning. If I'm lucky, I'll get through one book per month. I treasure that reading time. It's one peaceful hour (if I can stay awake), that allows me to disappear into another world, get lost in someone else's drama. For that reason, I try to make sure that I'm going to enjoy what I read. 

When I choose a book, I first look at the cover. The image has to call to me in order for me to want to flip it over and read the summary of the book. As anauthor, I realize that is not the best way to choose a book, however, I'd be lying if I said I did otherwise. If the cover and the summary appeal to me, I then open the book and read the first few pages. The writing has to draw me in. I have always assumed that following that path–cover, flip and read, open and scan–is how everyone chose their books. I was wrong.

It's recently been pointed out to me that many people read several reviews before choosing a book, and some even take it further and read reviews from several different sites before making their selection, while others read the back of the book before considering the cover, and still others read the first few pages before reading the summary of the book. Then you have those who simply order every book by an author they love , regardless of what the book is about or what the reviews say (of course I LOVE those readers). 

Then there's the referral process. I love to have books recommended to me. My friends generally know what type of books I enjoy, and I trust their judgment. When a friend tells me that I'll "love" a book, I usually do. That's actually my favorite method of book selection–referrals.

The process of book selection intrigues me, and for me, it has not changed since becoming an author. I try to convince myself not to judge books by their covers. I really do, and I understand that many authors have no control over their covers–but still, covers call to me. I can't help it. They do. 

I don't allow comments on my blog, mainly because it is too difficult to control spam without monitoring every post, but I'd love it if you would join me on Facebook and tell me how you select your books. If you're not on Facebook, shoot me a Tweet, or simply drop me an email using my Contact form. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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COME BACK TO ME, releasing November, 2011